Sunday, April 27, 2008

American Health care system: What health care system?

On Friday, I was talking about my project and then a man who was listening in joined the conversation. The man was from Britain and said that I should call my project, "American Health Care System: What Health Care System?" I thought that this was really interesting because the man was not from the United States. I was under the impression that our health care issues were only paid attention to in our country. It turns out that I was wrong. This man seemed to find our whole health system, or lack thereof, highly amusing. I was struck by how fast the man jumped into my conversation and how passionate he seemed to be about the topic. This made me realize how ridiculous our country must look to everyone else. If that isn't a reason to change our policy, what is?

1 comment:

Bellerophon said...

Very interesting. One thing we need to keep in mind as one of the most powerful countries is that other countries are watching us. If we make stupid decisions, they notice and judge us.