Tuesday, April 29, 2008

McCain Pushes Choice as Health Care Fix

This article is about McCain's health care plan. While his competitors are proposing ways to provide universal health care coverage, McCain is proposing the opposite. McCain wants to get people to buy their own insurance instead of using that provided by their employers. He would give the people who did this a $2500 to $5000 tax cut. McCain believes that if people have to buy their insurance, it will force insurance companies to reduce their prices and improve the quality of their care. Critics say that McCain's plan has been tried before and has not worked, but he persists.
McCain also wants to increase the availability of preventative treatment and make it harder for patients to sue doctors. McCain's main argument is that if the government provides health care options for people then the people will not have as much choice.
McCain's arguments are not legitimate. With Both Clinton's and Obama's plans, people are able to keep their private insurance, but the government will provide care of those who cannot afford insurance or whose employers do not provide it. McCain proposed a tax cut for people who buy private insurance, but the insurance will cost more than the amount of money that these people save from the tax cut. On the whole, I have no idea how McCain is going to compete with Clinton's or Obama's plan.

Reuters. McCain Pushes Choice as Health Care Fix. Nytimes.com. April 29, 2008. <http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/news/news-usa-politics-mccain.html?_r=1&scp=2&sq=health+care&st=nyt&oref=slogin>

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