Monday, May 26, 2008

Clinton on Health Care

In this video, Clinton concisely describes her view on health care in the United States. She believes that health care is one of our nation's biggest issues and has come up with a solution to enroll all of America's uninsured citizens into some form of health care. In this video, Clinton also gives the basics about her health care plan, stating that it is a combination of employer based and individual responsibility.
While I do not agree with Clinton on all issues, I think that she has the best health care plan. McCain does not have one and Obama's is the same but less extensive. The only thing that I do not understand about Clinton's plan is how she will enforce her mandate on health care. The reason that people would not purchase health care is that it would be too expensive, so what would she do to enforce her plan? Have a fee? That would make it harder for people to afford health care than before.

Hillary on her dedication to universal health care. May 26, 2008. <>

1 comment:

Carolyn E. said...

Hillary was never able to get support for her health care agenda when her husband was President.